

2023-03-15 15:51:37
云上高博会 https://heec.cahe.edu.cn
关键词: 林学 经济林栽培与利用 浙江农林大学 吴家胜










几十年来,围绕香榧良种选育、突破造林技术、提高造林成活率、提早结实年龄、提升后熟加工产品品质等方面展开系统深入研究,从根本上解决了制约香榧产业发展的瓶颈问题,攻克了多项关键技术难题:(1)选育出优质高效良种,填补了国内品种空白。开展了覆盖全榧树分布区的资源收集评价工作,建设了无性系测定林分;营建了资源最丰富的种质基因库,选育了香榧新品种10个;(2)攻克了嫁接技术难题,实现了良种规模化繁殖。发明了保湿、透气、增温为核心的双层拱棚催芽技术;研发了香榧贴枝接周年嫁接技术;集成了大苗带土、秋冬季造林、适量修剪等内容的提高造林成活率关键技术;(3)破解了授粉关键技术,实现了挂果率大幅提高。明确了香榧雌花有等待授粉习性;选育了花期早、中、晚不一,花粉生活力高的雄株优良无性系5 个,确定雌雄树的配置比例为100:2~3;(4)突破了以营养调控为核心的栽培技术,实现了早实丰产。构建了香榧的丰产树形,明确了丰产树混合芽和营养芽平衡点;研发出专家施肥系统,提出了配方施肥方案,集成了生态高效培育技术体系;(5)创新了后熟与加工处理技术,实现了产品质量跨越式提高。创新性提出了一次堆制新技术,研发了香榧种衣脱涩新方法;建立了香榧标准化炒制加工工艺新技术,研制出堆制后熟、加工设备;研发了开口香榧、脱衣香榧仁、香榧精油面膜等特色食品及高附加值产品。

依托上述研究成果,先后主持国家行业公益性项目、国家自然科学基金、国家农业科技成果转化资金等国家级项目10项,主持完成浙江省自然科学基金重点项目、浙江省农业科技重点项目等省部级项目15余项;在《Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition》、《Journal of Hazardous Materials》、《Food Chemistry》等国内外高层次学术刊物上发表学术论文105篇,其中SCI收录50余篇;参编及出版专著5本,制定标准4项,授权国家发明专利6件,审(认)定林木良种10个,先后获国家科技进步二等奖2项,浙江省科技进步一等奖1项、二等奖3项、三等奖1项,梁希林业科学技术奖等奖项;成果应用推广效果良好,先后在浙江、安徽、江苏等南方7省得到了广泛应用推广,全国已种植香榧总面积超过150万亩,年产量超过了万吨,年产值超30亿元;香榧团队多次赴四川、云南、贵州各地进行科技帮扶,联合共建干果产业国家科技特派员创业链,有效带动西部农村脱贫致富,产生了显著的经济、社会和生态效益。团队被《人民日报》、中央电视台等多家中央媒体集中报道,被誉为“最美科技人员”,获全国科技助力精准扶贫先进团队等荣誉。









1. 2021.01-2024.12光合同化物积累与分配调控香榧产量和品质的机理、L20200184、国家自然科学基金重点项目、273万元、主持、在研;

2. 2020.01-2023.12特色林果采摘脱壳及采后处理关键技术研究及装备研发、L20200003浙江省重点研发项目、240万元、主持、在研;

3. 2018.01-2020.12、香榧采后质量控制和新产品开发、L20180060、浙江省林业厅省院合作项目、75万元、主持、已结题;

4. 2016.01-2019.12、香榧产量和品质对模拟氮沉降和施加生物质碳的响应及其机理、31570616、国家基金面上项目、60万元、主持、已结题;

5. 2016.01-2018.12、香榧转录组测序及其分子辅助选择育种应用、201504708、国家行业公益专项项目、199万元、主持、已结题;

6. 2012.01-2014.12、香榧良种规模化繁育与应用示范、2012GA700001、国家星火项目课题、65万元、主持、已结题。



1. Chenliang Yu, Hao Zeng, Qi Wang, Wenchao Chen, Weijie Chen, Weiwu Yu, Heqiang Lou, andJiashengWu. Multi-omics analysis reveals the molecular responses of Torreya grandis shoots to nanoplastic pollutant, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2022.129181.

2. Wenchao Chen, Jiaqi Zhang, Shan Zheng, Zhanqi Wang, Chuanmei Xu, Qixiang Zhang,Jiasheng Wu, Heqiang Lou. Metabolite profiling and transcriptome analyses reveal novel regulatory mechanisms of melatonin biosynthesis in hickory. Horticulture Research, 2021, 8:196.

3. Song, Lili; Wen, Sisi; Ye, Qin; Lou, Heqiang; Gao, Yadi; Bajpai, Vivek K.; Rodríguez, María; Prieto Lage, Miguel; Simal-Gandara, Jesus; Xiao, Jianbo; Meng, Xianghe;Wu, Jiasheng. Advances on delta 5-unsaturated-polymethylene-interrupted fatty acids: Resources, biosynthesis, and benefits. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1080/10408398.2021.1953960.

4. Yuanyuan Hu, Jinwei Suo, Guoxiang Jiang, Jiayi Shen, Hao Cheng, Heqiang Lou, Weiwu Yu,Jiasheng Wu,Lili Song. The effect of ethylene on squalene and β-sitosterol biosynthesis and its key gene network analysis in Torreya grandis nuts during post-ripening process. Food Chemistry, 2022,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2021.130819.

5. Yuanyuan Hu, Zuying Zhang, Bin Hua, Liu Tao, Wenchao Chen, Yadi Gao, Jinwei Suo, Weiwu Yu,Jiasheng Wu, Lili Song. The interaction of temperature and relative humidity affects the main aromatic components in postharvest Torreya grandis nuts. Food Chemistry, 2022,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2022.130836.

6. Jinwei Suo, Yadi Gao, Haizhen Zhang, Guifang Wang, Hao Cheng, Yuanyuan Hu, Heqiang Lou, Weiwu Yu, Wensheng Dai, Lili Song,Jiasheng Wu,New insights into the accumulation of vitamin B3in Torreya grandis nuts via ethylene induced key gene expression. Food Chemistry 2022,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2021.131050.

7. Lili Song, Xuecheng Meng, Lei Yang, Zhenmin Ma, Minying Zhou, Chenliang Yu, Zuying Zhang, Weiwu Yu,JiashengWu, Heqiang Lou. Identification of key genes and enzymes contributing to nutrition conversion of Torreya grandis nuts during post-ripening process. Food Chemistry, 2022, 384, 132454.

8. Heqiang Lou, Yi Yang, Shan Zheng, Zhenmin Ma, Wenchao Chen, Chenliang Yu, Lili Song,JiashengWu. Identification of key genes contributing to amino acid biosynthesis in Torreya grandis using transcriptome and metabolome analysis. Food Chemistry, 2022, 379, 132078.

9. Feicui Zhang, Zhenmin Ma, Yan Qiao, Zhanqi Wang, Wenchao Chen, Shan Zheng, Chenliang Yu, Lili Song, Heqiang Lou,JiashengWu. Transcriptome sequencing and metabolomics analyses provide insights into the flavonoid biosynthesis in Torreya grandis kernels. Food Chemistry 2022, 374, 131558.

10. Wang, F., Zhang, R., Lin, J., Zheng, J., Hänninen, H. andWu,J. High autumn temperatures increase the depth of bud dormancy in the subtropical Torreya grandis and Carya illinoinensis and delay leaf senescence in the deciduous Carya. Trees. 2022.

11. Zhang, R., Lin, J., Wang, F., Delpierre, N., Kramer, K., Hänninen, H. andWu,J. Spring phenology in subtropical trees: Developing process-based models on an experimental basis. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2022, 314, 108802.

12. Hussain, Q., Zheng, M., Ashraf, M.F., Khan, R., Yasir, M., Farooq, S., Zhang, R. andWu,J. Genome-wide identification, characterization and expression analysis of the ABA receptor PYL gene family in response to ABA, photoperiod, and chilling in vegetative buds of Liriodendron chinense. Scientia Horticulturae, 2022, 303, 111200.

13. Rui Zhang, Fucheng Wang, Jinbin Zheng, Jianhong Lin, Heikki Hänninen,Jiasheng Wu.Chilling accumulation and photoperiod regulate rest break and bud burst in five subtropical tree species. Forest Ecology & Management, 2021, doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2020.118813

14. Mingzhu Ding, Heqiang Lou, Wenchao Chen, Ying Zhou, Zihao Zhang, Minghui Xiao, Zhanqi Wang, Yi Yang, Lei Yang, Feicui Zhang,Jiasheng Wu, Lili Song. Comparative transcriptome analysis of the genes involved in lipid biosynthesis pathway and regulation of oil body formation in Torreya grandis kernels. Industrial Crops & Products 2020, 145, 112051.

15. Xianghe Meng, Dan Xiao, Qin Ye, Xiaohua Nie,Jiasheng Wu, Lili Song. Positional distribution of Δ5-olefinic acids in triacylglycerols from Torreya grandis seed oil: Isolation and purification of sciadonic acid. Industrial Crops & Products2020, 143, 111917.

16. Yadi Gao, Yuanyuan Hu, Jiayi Shen, Xuecheng Meng, Jinwei Suo, Zuying Zhang, Lili Song,Jiasheng Wu. Acceleration of Aril Cracking by Ethylene in Torreya grandis During Nut Maturation. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2021, 12:761139. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.761139.

17. Chenliang Yu, Qi Wang, Shouke Zhang, Hao Zeng, Weijie Chen, Wenchao Chen,Heqiang Lou, Weiwu Yu andJiashengWu. Effects of Strigolactone on Torreya grandis Gene Expression and Soil Microbial Community Structure Under Simulated Nitrogen Deposition, Frontiers in Plant Science. 2022, 13:908129.doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.908129.

18. Zuying Zhang, Hangbiao Jin, Jinwei Suo, Weiyu Yu, Minyin Zhou, Wensheng Dai, Lili Song, Yuanyuan Hu,Jiasheng Wu. Effect of Temperature and Humidity on Oil Quality of Harvested Torreya grandis cv. Merrillii Nuts during the After-Ripening Stage. Frontiers in Plant Science, 11:573681, doi: 10.3389/fpls.2020.573681.

19. Li, Quan; Song, Xinzhang; Yrjälä, Kim; Lv, Jianhua; Li, Yongfu;Wu, Jiasheng; Qin, Hua. Biochar mitigates the effect of nitrogen deposition on soil bacterial community composition and enzyme activities in a Torreya grandis orchard. Forest Ecology & Management, 2020, 457, 117717 doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2019.117717.

20. Rui Zhang; Jianhong Lin; Fucheng Wang; Sitian Shen; Xaiobin Wang; Ying Rao;Jiasheng Wu; Heikki Hänninen. The chilling requirement of subtropical trees is fulfilled by high temperatures: A generalized hypothesis for tree endodormancy release and a method for testing it. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology.2021, doi: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2020.108296.

21. Quaid Hussain, Muhammad Asim, Rui Zhang, Rayyan Khan, Saqib Farooq,Jiasheng Wu. Transcription Factors Interact with ABA through Gene Expression and Signaling Pathways to Mitigate Drought and Salinity Stress. 2021,11, 1159. https://doi.org/10.3390/biom11081159.

22. Rui Zhang, Jianhong Lin, Fucheng Wang, Heikki Hänninen,Jiasheng wu. Effects of climatic warming on spring phenology in subtropical trees: process-based modelling with experiments designed for model development. 2020, doi:10.22541/au.161210609.90934754/v1.

23. Junbo Zhang, Quan Li,Jiasheng Wu, Xinzhang Song. Effects of nitrogen deposition and biochar amendment on soil respiration in a Torreya grandis orchard. Geoderma, 2019, DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2019.113918

24. Bingwen Chai, Jianhua Lv, Quan Li,Jiasheng Wu, Xinzhang Song. Interaction of Biochar Amendment and Nitrogen Deposition on Soil Microbial Biomass Carbon and Enzyme Activity in a Torreya grandis Orchard. Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2019, 28(5), 3605-3614.

25. Jianhong Lin, Rui Zhang, Yuanyuan Hu, Yang Song, Heikki Hänninen,Jiasheng Wu. Interactive effects of drought and shading on Torreya grandis seedlings: physiological and growth responses. Trees, 2019, 33(3), 951–961.

26. Zhou Minying, Song Lili, Ye Shan, Zeng Wei, Hnnien Heikki, Yu Weiwu, Suo Jinwei, Hu Yuanyuan,Wu Jiasheng. New sights into lipid metabolism regulation by low temperature in harvested Torreya grandis nuts. Journal of the Science of Food & Agriculture, 2019, 99(9):4226-4234.

27. Heqiang Lou, Mingzhu Ding,Jiasheng Wu, Feicui Zhang, Wenchao Chen, Yi Yang, Jinwei Suo, Weiwu Yu, Chuanmei Xu, Lili Song, Full-Length Transcriptome Analysis of the Genes Involved in Tocopherol Biosynthesis in Torreya grandis, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2019, 67(7): 1877-1888.

28. Zhang Rui, Zhao Yuxin, Lin Jianhong, Hu Yuanyuan, Hanninen Heikki,Wu Jiasheng. Biochar application alleviates unbalanced nutrient uptake caused by N deposition in Torreya grandis trees and seedlings. Forest Ecology and Management, 2019, 432:319-326.

29. Jinwei Suo, Ke Tong,Jiasheng Wu, Mingzhu Ding, Wenchao Chen, Yi Yang, Heqiang Lou, Yuanyuan Hu, Weiwu Yu, Lili Song, Comparative transcriptome analysis reveals key genes in the regulation of squalene and β-sitosterol biosynthesis in Torreya grandis, Industrial Crops & Products, 2019, 131: 182-193.

30. Jiasheng Wu, Jiandiao Huang, Yiwei Hong, Haizhen Zhang, Mingzhu Ding, Heqiang Lou, Yuanyuan Hu, Weiwu Yu, Lili Song. De novo transcriptome sequencing of Torreya grandis reveals gene regulation in sciadonic acid biosynthesis pathway, Industrial Crops & Products, 2018, 120: 47-60.

31. Yuxing Feng, Yuanyuan Hu,Jiasheng Wu, Junhui Chen, Kim Yrjälä, Weiwu Yu. Change in microbial communities, soil enzyme and metabolic activity in a Torreya grandis plantation in response to root rot disease. Forest Ecology and Management 2019, 432:932-941.

32. Hu Y, Zhang Y, Yu W, Hänninen H, Song L, Du X, Zhang R,Wu J. Novel Insights into the Influence of Seed Sarcotesta Photosynthesis on Accumulation of Seed Dry Matter and Oil Content in Torreya grandis cv. "Merrillii", Frontiers in Plant Science, 2018, 8:2179.

33. Rui Zhang, Yongling Zhang, Lili Song, Xinzhang Song, Heikki Hänninen,Jiasheng Wu. Biochar enhances nut quality of Torreya grandis and soil fertility under simulated nitrogen deposition, Forest Ecology and Management, 2017, 391:321-329.

34. Jie Shen, Lili Song, Karin Müller, Yuanyuan Hu, Yang Song, Weiwu Yu, Hailong Wang,Jiasheng Wu, Magnesium Alleviates Adverse Effects of Lead on Growth, Photosynthesis, and Ultrastructural Alterations of Torreya grandis Seedlings, Frontiers in Plant Science, 2016, 7: 1819.

35. Hui Tang, YuanYuan Hu, WeiWu Yu, LiLi Song,JiaSheng Wu. Growth, photosynthetic and physiological responses of Torreya grandis seedlings to varied light environments, Trees, 2015, 29, 1011-1022.

36. Chaohua Shen, Yuanyuan Hu, Xuhua Du, Tingting Li, Hui Tang,Jiasheng Wu. Salicylic acid induces physiological and biochemical changes in Torreya grandis cv. Merrillii seedlings under drought stress. Trees, 2014, 28(4):961-970.

37. Tingting Li, Yuanyuan Hu, Xuhua Du, Hui Tang, Chaohua Shen,Jiasheng Wu. Salicylic Acid Alleviates the Adverse Effects of Salt Stress in Torreya grandis cv. Merrillii Seedlings by Activating Photosynthesis and Enhancing Antioxidant Systems. PLoS ONE, 2014, 9(10):e109492.

38. 王桂芳,索金伟,王哲,成豪,胡渊渊,张可伟,吴家胜.香榧种实膨大过程中蔗糖代谢及其基因表达,浙江农林大学学报,2022,39:1-12.

39. 王哲,吴诗涵,索金伟,吴家胜.香榧僵果调查与解剖学观察,浙江农业科学,2021,62(10):1950-1952.

40. 高雅迪,胡渊渊,吴家胜.氮沉降对香榧林地土壤理化性状及植株性状的影响,浙江农业科学,2020,61 (10): 2006-2008,2012.

41. 孟祥河,杨奇波,肖丹,夏朝盛,樊律廷,宋丽丽,吴家胜.香榧籽油金松酸的分离及其1,3——甘油二酯的制备研究.中国粮油学报, 2020, 35(7): 72-78.

42. 钱可伟,宋丽丽,赵荻,周敏樱,胡君艳,吴家胜.榧粉饼粕膨化食品加工工艺.食品工业,2019,40(8):136-142.

43. 赵荻,楼君,庄志诚,刘圆,喻卫武,胡渊渊,宋丽丽,吴家胜.叔丁基对苯二酚(TBHQ)对香榧烘烤和货架品质以及抗氧化能力的影响.林业科学,2018,54(10):39-45.

44. 刘志敏,赵宏波,黄有军,梅丽,黄坚钦,胡渊渊,吴家胜.‘香榧’雌配子体发育和原胚形成的组织学观察.果树学报, 2017, 34(02) 231-237.

45. 宋洋,廖亮,刘涛,蒋燕锋,喻卫武,胡渊渊,吴家胜.不同遮荫水平下香榧苗期光合作用及氮分配的响应机制.林业科学, 2016, 52(5): 55-63.

46. 黄增冠,喻卫武,罗宏海,李昱飞,戴文圣,胡渊渊,吴家胜.香榧不同叶龄叶片光合能力与氮含量及其分配关系的比较,林业科学, 2015, 51(2): 44-51.

47. 陈佳妮,廖亮,黄增冠,戴文圣,喻卫武,胡渊渊,吴家胜.香榧与榧树叶片光合特性及其光保护机制的比较,林业科学, 2015, 51(10): 134-141.

48. 唐辉,李婷婷,沈朝华,胡渊渊,吴家胜.氮素形态对香榧苗期光合作用、主要元素吸收及氮代谢的影响,林业科学, 2014, 50(10): 158-163.


1. 《中国林业百科全书·森林培育卷》

2. 《药用植物繁育学》

3. 《森林培育学》(南方版)

4. 《中国主要树种造林技术》