

2023-03-14 16:08:57
云上高博会 https://heec.cahe.edu.cn
关键词: 图像处理 EDA软件 人工智能 西南科技大学 俞文心









俞文心,博士,教授,博士研究生导师,九三学社社员,西南科技大学科学技术发展部科技创新与基地建设处副处长,九三学社绵阳市西科大基层委副主委,四川省学术技术带头人后备人选,四川省海外高层次留学人才,中国计算机学会多媒体技术专委会执行委员,四川省大数据与智能系统工程技术研究中心办公室主任,四川省教科文卫工会高校系统省级劳模创新工作室负责人。自2002年保送进入上海交通大学电子信息工程系,一直从事视频和图像处理方面的学习与研究。2008年至2015年于日本早稻田大学信息生产系统研究院LSI系统专业攻读硕士学位,博士学位以及作为博士后研究员期间,师从IEEE life fellow后藤敏(Goto Satoshi)教授,一直对视频和图像处理前沿方向进行探索性研究,并重点研究3-D图像综合,立体图像匹配等方面的问题。主要涉及的研究领域包括:神经网络、图像增强修复、3D多视点图像的合成填补技术、EDA(芯片布局布线算法优化)、立体匹配技术、低电力消耗视频解码算法。近年,在国外期刊和国际会议上公开发表学术论文50余篇,其中40余篇被SCI/EI检索,其中有40余篇是中国计算机协会推荐杂志或会议。先后承担和参与各类科研项目20余项,其中参与和完成海外国家级项目5项(日本教育部,日本科学技术振兴机构),项目总资金超过7亿日元,国内国家级项目3项,省部级项目近20项,地市级重点项目1项,横向项目多项。


2022.03 - ,西南科技大学科学技术发展部科技创新与基地建设处副处长

2017.11 - 2022.03,西南科技大学计算机科学与技术学院副院长(其间:2018.08-2018,10参加省委组织部组织的四川省年轻干部铸魂工程递造培养计划全省优秀年轻干部班学习:2019.01-2020.01 选派到中华人民共和国工业和信息化部科技司挂职锻炼,挂任高技术处副处长)

2015.03 - 2017.11,西南科技大学计算机科学与技术学院教师(其间:2015.11 评定为副研究员)

2014/4 - 2015/3,早稻田大学,信息生产系统研究中心,博士后,合作导师:Satoshi Goto

2010/9 - 2014/4,早稻田大学,多媒体视频系统,博士,导师:Satoshi Goto

2008/9 - 2010/7,早稻田大学,多媒体视频系统,硕士,导师:Satoshi Goto

2002/5 - 2006/7,上海交通大学,电子信息工程,学士



1. Wei Chen, Wenxin Yu*, Gang He, and Ning Jiang. "Coarse-to-Fine Attention Network via Opinion Approximate Representation for Aspect-Level Sentiment Classification." In International Conference on Neural Information Processing(ICONIP), pp. 704-715. Springer, Cham, 2020.(Runner-up student paper award)(EI收录) (SCI索引源会议论文集) (CCF中国计算机协会推荐会议)

2. Siyuan Li, Lu Lu, Zhiqiang Zhang, Xin Cheng, Kepeng Xu, Wenxin Yu*, Gang He, Jinjia Zhou, and Zhuo Yang. "Interactive Separation Network For Image Inpainting." In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), pp. 1008-1012. IEEE, 2020.(EI收录) (SCI索引源会议论文集) (CCF中国计算机协会推荐会议)

3. Zhiqiang Zhang, Wenxin Yu*, Jinjia Zhou, Xuewen Zhang, Jialiang Tang, Siyuan Li, Ning Jiang, Gang He, and Zhuo Yang. "Customizable GAN: Customizable Image Synthesis Based on Adversarial Learning." In International Conference on Neural Information Processing(ICONIP), pp. 336-344. Springer, Cham, 2020.(EI收录) (SCI索引源会议论文集) (CCF中国计算机协会推荐会议)

4. Zhiqiang Zhang, Wenxin Yu, Jinjia Zhou, Xuewen Zhang, Ning Jiang, Gang He, and Zhuo Yang. "Customizable GAN: A Method for Image Synthesis of Human Controllable." IEEE Access Jun 9; 8: 108004-108017. (SCI收录)

5. Siyuan Li, Lu Lu, Kepeng Xu, Wenxin Yu*, Ning Jiang, and Zhuo Yang. "LPI-Net: Lightweight Inpainting Network with Pyramidal Hierarchy." In International Conference on Neural Information Processing(ICONIP), pp. 442-449. Springer, Cham, 2020.(EI收录) (SCI索引源会议论文集) (CCF中国计算机协会推荐会议)

6. Xuewen Zhang, Yunye Zhang, Zhiqiang Zhang, Wenxin Yu*, Ning Jiang, and Gang He. "Deep Feature Compatibility for Generated Images Quality Assessment." In International Conference on Neural Information Processing(ICONIP), pp. 353-360. Springer, Cham, 2020.(EI收录) (SCI索引源会议论文集) (CCF中国计算机协会推荐会议)

7. Jialiang Tang, Ning Jiang*, Wenxin Yu*, Jinjia Zhou, Liuwei Mai. Two-Stage Model Compression and Acceleration: Optimal Student Network for Better Performance[J]. IEEE Access, 2020.(SCI收录)

8. Ning Jiang, Jialiang Tang, Zhiqiang Zhang, Wenxin Yu*, Xin Deng, Jinjia Zhou. "Two-Stage Model Compression and Acceleration",  In International Conference on Neural Information Processing(ICONIP). Springer, Cham, 2020: 642-649.(EI收录) (SCI索引源会议论文集) (CCF中国计算机协会推荐会议)

9. Yunye Zhang, Xuewen Zhang, Zhiqiang Zhang, Wenxin Yu*, Ning Jiang, and Gang He. "No-Reference Quality Assessment Based on Spatial Statistic for Generated Images." In International Conference on Neural Information Processing(ICONIP), pp. 497-506. Springer, Cham, 2020.(EI收录) (SCI索引源会议论文集) (CCF中国计算机协会推荐会议)

10. Siyuan Li , Lu Lu , KePeng Xu , Wenxin Yu*, Ning Jiang , Gang He , Kang Xu, and Chang Liu. "Edge Guided Loss in Image Inpainting" In International Conference on Natural Computation, Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (ICNC-FSKD), Springer, Cham, 2020. (EI收录)

11. Xuewen Zhang, Zhiqiang Zhang, Wenxin Yu*, Yunye Zhang, Gang He, Ning Jiang, Kang Xu, and Chang Liu. "Visualization of Microblog Keyword Data Based on 3D Interactive Word Cloud" In International Conference on Natural Computation, Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (ICNC-FSKD), Springer, Cham, 2020.(EI收录)

[1] 一种基于硅通孔的三维集成电路布局方法[p],202010429586.9

[2] 一种基于图形处理的三维集成电路布局方法[p],202010430008.7




1. Zhiqiang Zhang, Yunye Zhang, Wenxin Yu*, Gang He, Ning Jiang, Gang He, Yibo Fan, and Zhuo Yang. “Text to Image Synthesis Using Two-Stage Generation and Two-Stage Discrimination”, International Conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management (KSEM). In KSEM Proceedings Part II, pp. 110-114, 2019(EI收录) (SCI索引源会议论文集) (CCF中国计算机协会推荐会议)

2. Zhiqiang Zhang, Yunye Zhang, Wenxin Yu*, Jingwei Lu, Li Nie, Gang He, Ning Jiang, Gang He, Yibo Fan, and Zhuo Yang. “Text to Image Synthesis Based on Multiple Discrimination”, International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN). In ICANN Proceedings Part III, pp. 578-589, 2019(EI收录) (SCI索引源会议论文集) (CCF中国计算机协会推荐会议)

3. Zhiqiang Zhang, Yunye Zhang, Wenfa Liu, Wenxin Yu*, Gang He, Ning Jiang, and Zhuo Yang. “Text to Complicated Image Synthesis with Segmentation Information Guidance”, International Conference on Intelligent, Interactive Systems and Applications, 2019(EI收录)

4. Kepeng Xu, Yunye Zhang, Wenxin Yu*, Zhiqiang Zhang, Jingwei Lu, Yibo Fan, Gang He, and Zhuo Yang. “Segmentation of Building Footprints with Xception and IoULoss”, International Conference on Multimedia and Expo WorkShop(ICME). pp. 420-425, 2019(EI收录) (SCI索引源会议论文集) (CCF中国计算机协会推荐会议)

5. Ning Jiang, Jialiang Tang, Zhiqiang Zhang, Wenxin Yu*, Bin Hu, Gang He, and Zhuo Yang. “A Method of Pointer Instrument Reading for Automatic Inspection”, International Conference on Intelligent, Interactive Systems and Applications, 2019(EI收录)

6. Zhiqiang Zhang Yunye Zhang, Yan Shi, Wenxin Yu*, Li Nie, Gang He, Yibo Fan, and Zhuo Yang. “Dense Image Captioning based on Precise Feature Extraction”, International Conference on Neural Information Processing(ICONIP), 2019(EI收录) (SCI索引源会议论文集) (CCF中国计算机协会推荐会议)

7. Kepeng Xu, Li Nie, Xinxin Zhou, Shangwei Deng, Zhiqiang Zhang, Wenxin Yu*, Yunye Zhang, Wei Chen, Siyuan Li, Yibo Fan, Hui Zhang, and Valentin Bouillon. “IRSNET: An Inception-Resnet Feature Reconstruction Model for Building Segmentation”, International Conference on Neural Information Processing(ICONIP), 2019(EI收录) (SCI索引源会议论文集) (CCF中国计算机协会推荐会议)

8. Wei Chen, Wenxin Yu*, Zhiqiang Zhang, Yunye Zhang, Kepeng Xu, Fengwei Zhang, Yibo Fan, and Gang He. “Target-Based Attention Model for Aspect-Level Sentiment Analysis”, International Conference on Neural Information Processing(ICONIP), 2019(EI收录) (SCI索引源会议论文集) (CCF中国计算机协会推荐会议)

9. Siyuan Li, Lu Lu, Zhijing Li, Kepeng Xu, Matthieu Claisse, Wenxin Yu*, Gang He, Gang He, and Zhuo Yang. “Inpainting with Sketch Reconstruction and Comprehensive Feature Selection”, International Conference on Neural Information Processing(ICONIP), 2019(EI收录) (SCI索引源会议论文集) (CCF中国计算机协会推荐会议)

10. Liao Xiaojuan, Zhang Hui, Koshimura Miyuki, Huang Rong, Yu Wenxin, "Maximum Satisfiability Formulation for Optimal Scheduling in Overloaded Real-Time Systems", 16th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence(PRICAI), 2019(EI收录) (SCI索引源会议论文集) (CCF中国计算机协会推荐会议)


1. Wenxin Yu, Liang Yu, Gang He, Yibo Fan, Gang He, Jiu Xu, Zhuo Yang, and Zhiqiang Zhang, "Q Value-based Dynamic Programming with Boltzmann Distribution by Using Neural Network", International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP), pp.52-61, 2018(EI收录) (SCI索引源会议论文集) (CCF中国计算机协会推荐会议)

2. Wenxin Yu, Yibo Fan, Minghui Wang, Gang He, Gang He, Zhuo Yang and Zhiqiang Zhang, "Parallelized contour based depth map coding in DIBR", Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM),pp.643-653, 2018(EI收录) (SCI索引源会议论文集) (CCF中国计算机协会推荐会议)

3. Zipeng Zhang, Zhuo Yang, Yinwei Zhan, Yuqing Li, Wenxin Yu, "Perceptual Model Optimized Efficient Foveated Rendering", The ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST), 2018(EI收录)  (CCF中国计算机协会推荐会议)

4. Deqing Bu, Yaobin Wang, Ling Li, Zhiqin Liu, Wenxin Yu, Musariri Manasah, “Exploring Parallelism in Mibench with Loop and Procedure Level Speculation”, 16th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications (ISPA 2018), Melbourne, Australia, pp.141-146, 2018(EI收录)  (CCF中国计算机协会推荐会议)


1. Wenxin Yu, Hao Sun, Gang He and Zhiqiang Zhang, “A Multi-step Temporal Error Concealment Method”,The International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ISPACS),2017(EI收录)

2. Jing Hu, Gang He, Yunsong Li, Wenxin Yu, Zhuo Yang, Peikun Liu, Ruixue Guo, “Fast Mode Decision and PU Size Decision algorithm for intra depth coding in 3D-HEVC”,Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation(JVCIR),2017(SCI 收录)(CCF中国计算机协会推荐杂志)

3. Hao Jiang, Gang He, Wenxin Yu, Zheng Wang and Yunsong Li, “Scalable Video Coding Based on the User’s View for Real-Time Virtual Reality Applications”,Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM),2017(EI收录) (SCI索引源会议论文集) (CCF中国计算机协会推荐会议)

4. Gang He, Wenxin Yu, Yuanwen Zou, Jinchuan Li, “An Efficient Parallel Approach Using Opencl for Pupil Detection and Pupil Size Measurement”, The International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ISPACS),2017(EI收录)


1. Gang He, Jing Hu, Yunsong Li, Wenxin Yu, "Fast Algorithm Based on Sole- and Multi-depth Measurements for HEVC Intra Coding", The International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), pp.1131-1135, 2016 (EI收录) (CCF中国计算机协会推荐会议)


1. Jiu Xu, Ning Jiang,Wenxin Yu, Heming Sun, Satoshi Goto, “Human detection method based on non-redundant gradient semantic local binary patterns”, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE), 2015 (SCI)

2.Wenxin Yu, Weichen Wang, Jiu Xu, Liang Yu, “Frame Compatible Format Fast Encoder with Stereo Matching”,IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS),pp.2529–2532,2015 (EI收录) (CCF中国计算机协会推荐会议)


1. 俞亮,俞文心, “基于Unity的Web游戏设计与实现”, 计算机光盘软件与应用, 2014年8期

2. 俞亮,俞文心, “一种基于像素的曲线数字化方法”, 数字技术与应用, 2014年5期


1.Wenxin Yu, Weichen Wang, Zhengyan Guo and Satoshi Goto, “An Integrated Hole-filling Algorithm for View Synthesis”, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE), Vol.E96-A, No.6, Jun. 2013 (SCI)

2.Wenxin Yu, Xin Jin and Satoshi Goto, “Low Power Video Decoding with Adaptive Granularity in Temporal Scalability”, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, Vol.42, No.2, pp.249-261,2013 (EI)

3. Ning Jiang, Jiu Xu,Wenxin Yu and Satoshi Goto, “An Intra-combined Feature for Pedestrian Detection”, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, Vol.1, No.1, pp.88-96, 2013 (EI)

4.Wenxin Yu, Weichen Wang, Gang He, Satoshi Goto, “Combined Hole-Filling with Spatial and Temporal Prediction”, The International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), pp.3196–3200, Sep. 2013 (EI收录) (CCF中国计算机协会推荐会议)

5. Jiu Xu, Ning Jiang, Xinwei Xue, Heming Sun,Wenxin Yuand Satoshi Goto, “Multi-scale Bidirectional Local Template Patterns for Real-time Human Detection”, The International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing(MMSP), pp.379-383, Sep. 2013 (EI)

6. Ning Jiang, Jiu Xu,Wenxin Yu and Satoshi Goto, “Gradient Local Binary Patterns for Human Detection”, The IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), pp.978 – 981, May 2013 (EI收录) (CCF中国计算机协会推荐会议)


1.Wenxin Yu, Weichen Wang, Zhengyan Guo and Satoshi Goto, “An Integrated Hole-Filling Algorithm for View Synthesis”, Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM), LNCS 7674, pp.80–92, Dec. 2012 (EI收录) (SCI索引源会议论文集) (CCF中国计算机协会推荐会议)


1.Wenxin Yu, Xin Jin, Satoshi Goto, "Adaptive Temporal Scalable Decoding Scheme with Temporal and Spatial Prediction Method", The International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ISPACS),Chiangmai,Thailand, Dec. 2011 (EI)

2.Wenxin Yu, Ning Jiang, Xin Jin, Satoshi Goto, “Adaptive low power decoding process with temporal prediction method for common video”, IEEE International Colloquium on Signal Processing & its Applications (CSPA), pp.169 – 172, Mar. 2011 (EI)

3. Ning Jiang,Wenxin Yu, Shaopeng Tang, Satoshi Goto, “A cascade detector for rapid face detection”, IEEE International Colloquium on Signal Processing & its Applications (CSPA), pp 155–158, Mar. 5, 2011 (EI)


1.Wenxin Yu, Xin Jin and Satoshi Goto, “Adaptive solution of temporal scalable decoding process with frame rate conversion method for surveillance video,”The International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ISPACS), Cheng Du, China, pp. 333-336. Dec. 6-8, 2010 (EI)

2.Wenxin Yu, Xin Jin, Satoshi GOTO, “Temporal scalable decoding process with frame rate conversion method for surveillance video”, Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM), Part II, LNCS 6298, Page(s): 297 - 308, Shanghai, China, Sep. 2010 (EI收录) (SCI索引源会议论文集) (CCF中国计算机协会推荐会议)

3.Wenxin Yu, Xin Jin, Satoshi GOTO, “Hierarchical low complexity decoding with frame-skipping for surveillance video”, ITC-CSCC, Page(s): 1152 - 1155,Pattaya,Thailand, July 2010

4.Wenxin Yu, Xin Jin, Satoshi GOTO, “Low complexity decoding with frame-skipping for surveillance video”, 2010 General Conference of IEICE, D-11-21, Sendai, Japan, January 2010


1. Super-Low Power video transmission, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) Project, 日本文部科学省

2. Global Centers of Excellence (GCOE) Project, 日本文部科学省

3. Research for Evolution Science and Technology (CREST) project from Japan Science and Technology Agency, 日本科学技术振兴机构

4. 拓展众核有效并行源的微线程式软硬件支持机制,国家自然科学基金面上项目

5. 新一代视频图像增强技术研究应用,四川省科技厅重点研发项目

6. 基于静电模拟的解析法芯片布局算法研究,四川省科技厅重点研发项目

7. 基于深度神经网络的肌肉CT图像分割及重建算法在肌少症辅助诊断中的应用研究,四川省科技厅重点研发项目

8. 基于北斗导航与深度神经网络的极端气象灾害预警关键技术研究,四川省科技厅重点研发项目

9. 从销售、物流到仓储全覆盖全连通的智慧医药系统的设计与建设,四川省科技厅科技服务业发展专项项目

10. 基于互联网+的智能尿动力系统关键技术研究,四川省科技厅重点研发项目

11. 基于人工神经网络及互联网+的快速糖化血红蛋白高效液相色谱分析仪关键技术研究,四川省科技厅重点研发项目

12. 生物行为启发算法辅助的智能机器人运动规划策略,四川省科技厅基础研究项目

13. 自主可控国产高效能众核芯片体系结构关键技术研究,四川省科技厅基础研究项目

14. 3C融合信息消费电子产品关键技术研发及产业化,四川省科技厅科技支撑项目

15. 基于深度信息的3-D虚拟视点图像综合技术的研究, 四川省教育厅重点项目

16. 降低多维视频编解码算法复杂度的相关研究,西南科技大学博士基金

17. 基于医学图像处理的生物材料力学系统研究,西南科技大学

18. 以项目驱动的《人机交互》教学方法的研究与实践,西南科技大学

19. 研究型项目的参与程度与方式对大学生就业及实践能力培养的研究,西南科技大学

20. 基于产学研联合背景下本科生毕业设计的模式调整,西南科技大学

21. 机械外骨骼系统, 香港中文大学

22. 医疗专用设备工作站软件系统, 绵阳美科电子